Following a hiatus of about three years from the blogosphere, I have decided it’s time to jump back in like double dutch. I thought hard about what would be my ‘comeback’ post and figured that’s where I was having problems – thinking!

Going over my old blogs, it was the total randomness of them that created my following (as far as there are two or more, it’s a following, I don’t care what you think! [I do care to be honest, otherwise, I’d just have these as word documents on the laptop]) in the first place; not too much thought put into it, just pure, honest, random musings. This is why this fresh blog is titled I Am Random.

Basically, a topic – or thought even – pops into my head and I get to writing, then posting. It could be as random as laundry, police, babies, music, sports, whatever! Just that these thoughts are delivered from the twisted POV of me with an imagination so Vivid, Jenna thought we worked together (if only). Yes, randomness like that. It usually consists of real life experiences, so ‘Reality Chichi’ if you will 😀 (Yes, a lot of ‘corn’ is served up in these here parts).

Writing gives me a release. Takes me away from everything and I am king, painting pictures with words. The liberty provided by the written word is awesome refreshment.

So, for the return post (technically, this is the return post but is more like an intro/background), I just powered up the netbook and started writing about writing. That is, what is writing? why am I writing? That sort of a thing (I typed that just to  irk someone. smile). I had no structure, no plan, no ending in sight; just the urge to write… so I did! So after you”re done with this intro, go read the post, “The Write Stuff…” and share your thoughts and/or share with a friend!

Actually, depending on when you visit the blog, you’ll probably see “The Write Stuff…” before you see this post and all the above would just be English… Bah humbug!



Why does it have to be apples or oranges?

I Am Random!