So, this headline can refer to both myself and the subject of the post.

I’ve written a ton of posts since my last entry but the only problem is they never made it out of my mind and unto the computer screen. This will be addressed, pronto and no, it’s not another empty promise. This is the growth!

Anyway, I was out of town for a week in the wonderful city of Nairobi, Kenya and it was a welcome break from this stressful Lagos but I missed the wife and child quite a bit.

A lot can happen in a week, eh? Well, I returned to find the blinds in the meCenter (my entertainment Center) had been tampered with but of course no one knows how that happened. So, while sat at my work station, seething over the malfunctioning blinds, I notice a blur out the corner of my eye.

I stop.

I stare.

My stare is returned.

He can’t have returned.





Cue the music (remix version please…):
There’s a rat in me guest room, what am I gonna do? There’s a rat in me guest room what am I gonna do?

What’s with the bad Die Hard 5 type follow up, huh?

I Am Random!