New Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio a.k.a. Pope Francis

Yesterday, March 13th, 2013 – numerically represented as 13-3-13 or the American 3-13-13 – a new pope was chosen, in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, an Argentine gentleman, who subsequently chose the papal name, Francis, after Saint Francis of Assisi. I’m not sure if congratulations (to the Pope, Catholics, Christians, Argentinians or anyone) are in order because requisite protocols in today’s world, particularly in matters of faith, are pretty blurred to me. Faith is possibly the most sensitive subject on the planet and the ‘wise’ tiptoe around it to avoid unnecessary agro but if you quiz most of my friends, wise is not a term they would readily associate with me 🙂 Haters, the lot.

Anyway, before I over-digress this time around, my concern is with our seeming focus on race, tribe, ethnicity, color, creed, gender etc. Everyday, we hear about how the world is becoming a much smaller place – the global village we call it – but yet and still, we can’t seem to pull away from the color-coded lines that apparently still divide us. We saw it in 2008 when Barack Obama (black) and Hilary Clinton (female) were the top candidates for the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket. Racism pops up in football across Europe on a daily basis. Here in Nigeria, the ‘ogas at the top’ feel that our leaders should be cyclically chosen based on ethnicity or geopolitical zone – zoning, they call it. It’s all one huge multicolored mess. Yes, I have ‘segregation’ issues as highlighted here and here in previous blogs. It does my head in.

To state that the new Pope is Argentinian is fine. To highlight that he’s the first Latin-American Pontiff, the first non-European in the modern era, as a matter of fact is fine too. What I wasn’t too fond of was the notion that his ‘third world’ background is a welcome change as it is sure to bring a new perspective into the Vatican. I find this rather bothersome because I would have thought, maybe naively so, that the papal perspective would be that of God and not of some political or human agenda. The ways of the LORD, documented in the Good Book have been cast in stone for centuries, so what gives?

I may be chastised for maintaining an ‘outdated’ view on the matter, to which I say, then isn’t it possible that the papal system itself, may be outdated? Does the Vatican function much differently from Congress, then? If leftist or rightist views exist? I feel that I must point out that this is in NO WAY a condemnation of the Vatican or Catholic doctrine; I am just trying to understand if the ethnic background of a Pope should really matter beyond a pure statement of fact. I mean, after being (s)elected, the first thing they usually do, if I’m not mistaken, is choose an English moniker for themselves like John Paul and Benedict before Francis. What’s that about?

In case you’re wondering, no, I am not Catholic but attended Catholic Primary School, where we were nurtured the Catholic way, attending mass, Catechism classes, observing Lent, the stations of the cross and all that good stuff. Nothing beat the annual Christmas Carols for me, personally. Basically, I have insight to the Catholic way of life and looking back, it was political then as well. With the fundamental problems existing in every sphere of life, one would hope the church was exempt.

However, I am not sure the church, or Vatican to be more precise, has highlighted the ethnic background of it’s choice or whether the choice was made based on ethnicity, race or whatever-have-you, in an attempt to ‘roll with the times.’ As if to say, “Hey, the ‘leader of the free world’ is black, why not shake things up with a Latin-American spiritual head?” No. This has been carried by the 4th estate and ‘regular’ people via social media. It saddens me that the origin of individuals, something that no individual has any control over, is always thrown in the forefront.

Why can’t we just be happy there’s a new Pope who just happens to be Argentinian? Are Argentines suddenly any better or worse because of this one man? Are we non-Argentines now inferior? Will, or maybe more importantly, should this pope reign as an Argentine or just as a man, the chosen representative of God on earth? I just wish people would deal with individuals themselves and not where they’re from or what they look like. If you dislike me, please let it be a character judgment and not a racial, tribal, gender or national one. Do not pick me over the more qualified Indian lady because I am ‘your brother.’ Do not make her the Chief Justice because she’s the popular choice, let her track record do the talking.

May God be with us all. May the new Pope carry out God’s will for the people. May you be hired because you’re qualified and not because you fill the required quota. May you be judged by your ability and not your attire. May ignorance escape you and tolerance embrace you.

That’s all…

(Now to jump on the blandwagon – not a typo – and act all ignorant)

Why does BLACK smoke mean no pope and WHITE smoke mean new pope?

I Am Random!